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6" x 9" | 48 pages | paperback | 2020

The Beer & Salad Diet

  • Description

    by Ray C. Freeman III


    At long last, this book is ready. I've been promising it and quoting it for years. John X. Ambrosavage drew the cartoons for it in 2009. It's written in a tongue-in-cheek man-to-man style, although I realize women drink beer, too. Doubles my potential market, in fact. So reversing, inverting, or otherwise transforming the gender roles may still apply. Just to you, not to me.


    So here it is. Almost. Just waiting for the Emergency Salads to come in so I can include one with each book. Taking orders in advance.

  • Shipping Info

    Your book will be shipped by USPS within around three weeks of order, I would think. Depends on receipts of emergency salads.

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