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Sand Point Way Residence

photos, by and large, by Miguel Edwards

This  is an 800 s.f. addition over the original 800 s.f. footprint of this house, to which an additional 400 s.f. had previously been added at ground level.

The design strategy is to treat the expanded house as a simple volume with two new elements, a stair tower and an entry structure.

Each of these three elements has functional, symbolic, and aesthetic roles to play in the overall composition of the new massing of the house. The earlier addition remains largely invisible from the street.

Functionally, the new plan creates a Master Bedroom Suite above, and provides for greater

separation of public and private spaces below. The dining room has been moved forward to create an entertainment suite at the front of the house, and the children's bedrooms, bath, and family room consolidated at the rear.

The stair takes on a pivotal role in tying all of these elements together.

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